Dial In That Shot - Ember Coffee Co.

Dial In That Shot

Ever wonder how to make that perfect shot of espresso at home? You're not alone. Brewing an espresso that brings out the best flavors can feel like a bit of an art, but with a little guidance, you can create that rich, balanced shot right in your kitchen. At Ember Coffee, our team—named Minnesota’s Best Coffee Shop and proud artisan roasters—loves sharing our knowledge to help you make the most of our Big Lake coffeeshop experience at home. Let's dive into the essentials of dialing in the perfect shot.

Step One: The Grind is Everything

Your espresso journey starts with the grind. For the perfect espresso shot, you need to get your grind size just right. Too fine, and your espresso will taste bitter; too coarse, and it’ll be sour and weak. A good tip is to think of your coffee grounds like table salt—small but still textured.

If you’re using freshly roasted beans from an award-winning Minnesota roaster like Ember Coffee, you’re already off to a great start. Freshly roasted coffee makes all the difference, especially when air roasting like we do here at Ember. Air roasting helps bring out all the natural flavors of the bean—so having the right grind will ensure you capture all those subtle notes.

Step Two: Getting the Dose Just Right

Your dose matters more than you think. For a standard espresso, you’re looking to use around 18-20 grams of coffee. The trick is to be consistent. Weighing your coffee each time helps you get repeatable results. Many beginners skip this step, but dosing accurately is one of the most impactful things you can do to improve your espresso.

Our artisan roaster process ensures you’re getting the perfect roast profile to maximize flavor, but if you don’t dose accurately, you’ll never unlock that potential.

Step Three: Dialing In With Brew Time

Now we’re getting into the heart of dialing in. Brew time should be between 25-30 seconds for a double shot of espresso. Start your timer the moment you start the shot. If it’s running too fast, your grind might be too coarse, and if it’s slow and syrupy, your grind could be too fine. Adjust your grind size until you hit that sweet spot.

At Ember Coffee in Big Lake, we often talk about the difference between a “fast” shot and a “perfect” shot. When your shot runs too fast, you lose out on all those buttery caramels and chocolatey notes—the very things that make our Minnesota’s Best espresso blend shine.

Step Four: Tamping Consistency

Tamping your coffee evenly is essential. It’s what makes sure water flows through your grounds properly. You want to apply about 30 pounds of pressure—firm but not crushing. The key is consistency: you want the same tamp every time. If you tamp unevenly, the water will flow through easier on one side, and you won’t get an even extraction.

One trick we love sharing at our Big Lake coffeeshop is to hold the tamper like you’re shaking someone’s hand. Use your body weight, not just your arm, and give it a solid press.

Step Five: Taste and Adjust

This is where the magic happens. Once you’ve pulled your shot, it’s time to taste it. Does it taste sour? Then your shot ran too quickly, and your grind needs to be finer. Is it bitter? It could mean the shot took too long, and you need a coarser grind. Each taste tells a story, and each adjustment brings you closer to that perfect shot.

When you’re dialing in, remember: good espresso is all about balance. You want a harmony between sweetness, acidity, and bitterness. With our air-roasted beans, you’ll often taste bright citrus up front, followed by those deep, rich chocolates that we’re known for at Ember Coffee.

A Few Pro Tips for Better Espresso at Home

  • Use Fresh Coffee: The fresher, the better. Our air-roasted beans at Ember Coffee are usually best between 4-20 days after roasting.

  • Water Quality: Don’t underestimate the power of good water. Filtered water will make a huge difference in the taste of your espresso.

  • Consistent Practice: Making the perfect shot takes practice. Even our award-winning baristas started with imperfect shots before they dialed it in.

Make the Most of Your Minnesota Roaster

Dialing in an espresso shot is about understanding your beans and building consistency. At Ember Coffee, we pride ourselves as a Minnesota roaster who cares deeply about our coffee, our community, and bringing you the best. Whether you stop by our Big Lake coffeeshop or order from our monthly coffee subscription, know that each bean has been roasted with care to bring out the best possible flavors.

With a little patience, some experimenting, and maybe a fresh bag of our artisan-roasted beans, you’ll be pulling perfect shots in no time. Don’t forget—if you need advice or just want to share your progress, our team at Minnesota's Best is always here to help. After all, great coffee is a journey we take together.

Happy brewing!